New years resolutions: using scraps: plans and ideas


I've been wanting to do this since the summer. I have a lot of small pieces of fabric that were left from garments or crafting. I want to sort these and make some dresses for my girl.

Bin 1
Bin 3 

I've got three bins with fabrics. One with remnants of coat fabrics and some tulle. The other is with jerseys I either don't like or are a bit special to me. What I will focus on is the second bin. The one with mainly cotton scraps.

Sorting them, giving a purpose or pattern and perhaps a color combination. The pile on the right has a destination for a garment. The pile on the right goes back to the stash (bin 2). If I don't have a destination for it in halve a year, I will donate it.
Bin 2 (I later took out the 6 fabrics on the left)

Back in the second bin. I took the left fabrics out as they are 'full' pieces of fabric (150-200 cm) and I will sew them after I sew through the scraps.
My scrap pile in progress.

And off... I will put the reviews from the fabrics here below.






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