Sewing goals 2020

It's good to have some goals and some challenges, I think. It can be inspiring when inspiration is low and can give energy when there is none. I will put an overview of the posts on here: 

Sewing Bingo - updated December:

So patsypoomakes created a lovely sewing Bingo in 2020, where it wasn't as much about making nine specific patterns, but more suggestions to inspire you. She made categories like a first or a print and she made it easier to fit these challenges into your level of sewing, amount of time and skill set.   

Use the hastag #sewingbingo2020

Make your own Sewing bingo 2021


Make 9 2020

update December
update September.

On instagram the challenge 'make nine' has been popular for quite a number of years. In the beginning of the year you choose 9 projects you want to make that year and you will track it. I don't know if I will finish everything in a year, or if nothing comes in between but these posts will track my favorite nine makes for the future.

Use the hashtag #makenine or #makeninechallenge. 



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