Sew along: B*trendy #9; 1759 tunic

Cutting the pattern 

I had a small remnant left so I had to be a bit creative in cutting out the pattern. The front, the back and the sleeves needed to have the knitted pattern running lengthwise.

While laying out the pieces I decided I did not want a sweater, but rather a cardigan. I cut the front in 'halve' and added a facing.


Below you see the front pattern piece. Basically I cut 3/4 of the front piece on a double layer of fabric. The fabric left of the fold line will be a facing.


Below the facing folded inside.


The sleeves are made from two pieces, the front sleeve piece is sewn to the front.


The back sleeve to the back.


Sew the sleeves together at the shoulder seam.

Sew the sleeves at the under seam and the side seams. Finished the sleeves with a cuff and hemmed the neckline and bottom of cardigan.

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