Browse through: Naaitrends #9 (May/June 2019)

Naaitrends #9; May/June 2019
40 patterns (times three sizes makes the120 mentioned on the cover)
Includes children's patterns and plus size patterns.
Patrones is a Spanish magazine that issues 12 times a year. 
Naehtrends is a German magazine that uses the Patrones patterns and issues 10 times a year.
Naaitrends is a Dutch magazine that uses the Patrones patterns and came out 6 times a year (it issued 13 magazines over 2018, 2019 and one issue in 2020). Before 2018 it was published under the name Fashion style.

The must-makes.


So what are your favorites
Do you have any favorite patterns? Have you actually made a pattern from this issue? I would love to hear about it, please leave a reaction.



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