Sew along: B*inspired #2: raincoat 1408 - finished 4-8

Cutting out the pattern
I made the bodice of the raincoat from an extra piece of chambray that will be left over from my mom's coat. The skirt was cut from several scraps leftover from my vintage coat. I left out the shoulder piece (extra flap on the shoulder) and the skirt is shorter due to smaller pieces of fabric.

Sew the seam in the bodice back.

Attach the front pieces. Here with the facing open (the right part of the front piece

Here the facing is turned (somewhat) in.

Sleeves are from one part and sewn.

Collar is sewn

There are 9 panels that make the skirt. I used piping in every seam to reflect the piping I did in my dress.


Back lining (raspberry) is sewn to the neckfacing (blue part)

Front facing and lining are sewn together.

Shoulder seams are sewn (front lining to back lining).

Collar is sewn between the outer shell (chambray) and inner shell (lining). Above it is pinned to the outer shell. Next I will pin the inner shell to the collar, right sides facing each other.

Sewing sleeves. Two for the outer shell, two for the lining.

Here you see the right sides of the outer shell and the lining pulled away from each other. Next, pull coat like above, but inside out.

Turn about an inch of the lining back so right side is showing and insert in sleeve like this (make sure sleeves are not rotated.

Pin and sew together. Especially a small sleeve like this is very fiddly to pin. It will behave better under the sewing machine.

Just align small parts and sew in small steps.

Turn lining inside outer shell. Add skirt to outer shell.

You could handsew the lining to the bodice. That way you will have no sewing lines showing. I decided to topstitch lining in place.
Added three button holes.

Three white buttons added. Hemming skirt. Finished.

Inside out.  Front view.

Inside out, back view.
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