Sewing challenge: Endless Combination: PR contest.

The challenge

Pattern holds monthly contests. The one for July 2020 is called 'Endless combinations'.

It asks you to sew a garment and that one is called garment A. Next you sew something coordinating with garment A and its called garment B. Thirdly garment C has to match with B (but not necessarily with A). Garment D has to match C (not necessarily with A and B). Sew at least four garments.
You do not necessarily have to make one top, then a bottom, then a top. It is easiest, but you can also make a top and then a cardigan for example. See for all rules: discussion board PR.

I love this idea. I suck at making coordinated outfits or even basics. I love prints just to much and end up with a skirt I 'can't' wear because no good basics. So this contest really puts me behind the sewing machine and make some outfits instead of garments.

The idea's

Top A,
Firstly I want to make a basic top. It will go great with two skirts I already have.

Skirt B will be the bottom half of this dress. I will make this dress into two parts and use the bottom half in this challenge.

Top C will be another basic and will be this wrap top.

Garment D will be the skirt of this beach outfit. Garment E will be the romper in African wax.

Now, by now I think July will be over. If by any chance there is time left, I would make this coat in a broderie anglaise, making the chain 'open' again for all the skirts and dresses.

Page with all the links to the plans, sew alongs and reviews here:

Your thoughts.
Do you make your basic garments as well, or are you like me and just love all the prints.


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