Browse through: Burda baby 2018

In addition to the 'regular' magazine, Burda publishes special editions regularly. This is their 'Burda baby' edition, which comes out yearly.

The magazine is catered to the beginning seamstress. All patterns are designed to build the confidence of the beginner or challenge them a bit. It is a lovely gift for the soon-to-be / new mom, grandmom or aunt that wants to start sewing or hasn't done so in a long time. All the patterns are accompanied by tutorials that explain the sewing step-by-step.

Please, click on the pictures to enlarge them.

The issue.

Burda baby 2018
ca 15 different patterns including variations
Sizes go to EU80 (which is about a year)

Overview of the garments, grouped in different themes.

Additional info is very elaborate. Here for example a page on how to measure.

Pacifier cord and swaddeling blanket.


Bath cape and toy bag.
Bath cape and wash cloth.
Diaper envelope.


Shirts with long or short sleeves.

Reversible coat.
Dress 1.

Dress 2.

So what are your favorites
Do you have any favorite patterns? Have you actually made a pattern from this issue? I would love to hear about it, please leave a reaction.


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